
Es werden Posts vom Oktober, 2017 angezeigt.

How am I holding up?

At the moment I have 4 visitors and my days are packed with work, traveling, eating out and so on. I cannot find time for myself outside of work because I get to spend time with my sister, boyfriend and friends. This is for sure not a bad thing, but yoga does not fit in at the moment. My visitors will go home again on the weekend after spending two cool weeks in China. So when week 3 of the #YogaMOOC starts I can focus on it better. So this is my commitment: From November 6th onwards, I will establish a regular practice of pranayama, asana and also meditation. Adding the date in the commitment makes it more achievable for me. I hope that by starting a regular practice again I can control my mood swings and see the joys in life more easily. Plus I hope that by sitting with myself more I can find some guidance for the near future - which, at the moment, is full of uncertainties.

Week 1 - Assignment ... How am I feeling?

From Wednesday through Friday this past week I was asked to do a mini self-check-in three times a day for the YogaMOOC I am taking on edX. How am I feeling? Is my posture good? Am I hurting? How is my body feeling? What kinds of thoughts am I having? I have to admit that this exercise turned out rather eye-opening. I am going through a rather tough time at work, plus I am living far away from my home in Austria which makes things even harder. But I figured that sometimes I am too hard on myself and especially on others. My goal for the next days is to keep an open mind and not worry too much about the small things. What I am going through right now will be over eventually. If it lasts too long I still have the power to change something. My happiness is in my hands. I will repeat the mini self-check-in again next week and see how my mindfulness and positivity turned out!

Week 1 - Assignment ... What is my goal for the course?

In August this year I successfully passed the 200 hours teacher training in Rishikesh, India. I had been practicing yoga on and off for a few years, but I never knew too much about yoga. So diving into yoga in India seemed to be the right choice at the time. And I was not disappointed! I spent four amazing weeks full of practice, learning about yoga and life and full of memories for a lifetime there. Even thought it was really hard on some days, I will never forget the time I spent there. Coming back to the corporate world was hard for me. I am currently living in China and the concept of mindfulness is quickly blown away in the hectic lifestyle of a big metropolitan area. It has been two months since I returned from India and my yoga practice has not yet found a regular place in my daily life. In the YogaMOOC we were asked to form a goal for the class: I want to focus more on what I love to do and practice yoga at least twice a week for one hour. I wish all the other particip...

Why did I start this blog?

I started this blog because I am taking part in the #YogaMOOC on edX. I am very excited what the next few weeks will bring about. Go to the edX website to find out more about the online course!