How am I holding up?
At the moment I have 4 visitors and my days are packed with work, traveling, eating out and so on. I cannot find time for myself outside of work because I get to spend time with my sister, boyfriend and friends. This is for sure not a bad thing, but yoga does not fit in at the moment. My visitors will go home again on the weekend after spending two cool weeks in China. So when week 3 of the #YogaMOOC starts I can focus on it better. So this is my commitment: From November 6th onwards, I will establish a regular practice of pranayama, asana and also meditation. Adding the date in the commitment makes it more achievable for me. I hope that by starting a regular practice again I can control my mood swings and see the joys in life more easily. Plus I hope that by sitting with myself more I can find some guidance for the near future - which, at the moment, is full of uncertainties.